
How to Write a Combined Literature Review of Two Articles Apa Sample

Literature Review Examples

Literature Review Examples

Usually, a literature review can exist described as an objective, concise, and critical summary of published research literature pertinent to the subject area being researched in an commodity. A literature can be an end in itself (an analysis of what is known about a topic) or a prologue to and rationale for engaging in chief research.

Bones Guidelines

The following are guidelines on how to write a literature review:

  • Organize the literature review effectually key topics of concepts. Apply headings or topic sentences to convey your organizational principle.

  • Tell a story about the research. This will assist you with your system.

  • Be selective. Incorporate just studies that are pertinent to your subject.

  • Synthesize and evaluate.

  • Use a summary to assist the reader to relate every section to the wider topic and to analyze your statement's move. Where have we only been and where are we heading to?

Organizing Tips

When writing your literature review, place background information, for example, explanations of a theoretical model or clinical situation, at sections where information technology volition be most helpful for your readers. For instance, if various researchers have utilized a similar theoretical approach, define that framework earlier reviewing those studies.

Split your literature review into segments with appropriate descriptions, following the guidelines of the documentation organization you lot're using. Your outline provides the ground for this sectionalization since it has already clustered studies together under headings and subheadings.

Conclude each section in your review with a summary section or paragraph. The summary's length ought to reflect the length of the department. Conclude the whole review with a summary that recaps the almost important aspects and findings. This last summary is also the section where you'll brand major comparisons, convey your stance or critique the adequacy of enquiry methods and approaches, and identify inconsistencies. Your critique enables you to end your literature review by posing unanswered questions, proposing approaches upcoming research. If your literature review is an introduction to your written report, your critique ought to support the rationale for conveying out the enquiry. You'll so state your inquiry question(s) and hypothesis.

Instance of a Literature Review Decision

Here is an example of a literature review decision:

"The objective of this review was to view the trends in composition studies inside the by fifty years and see how commentary on student writing has transformed and is yet transforming. It's clear from the research reviewed that evaluative commentary is widely practiced all through composition programs in universities today. Together with this, information technology's too axiomatic that the field of composition studies in regards to the kinds of commentary that students go on their writing is varied and continues to exist examined and analyzed to benefit both limerick students and the society at large. Moreover, cosmetic vs. evaluative commentary is nevertheless being discussed, and continues to exist problematic in the discourse community of college composition and likewise loftier school writing every bit viewed in Bardine et al.'s research." Assisting students to become better writers is important in our current society with reducing school budgets."

Outlining Your Review

Bold that you lot want to compose a literature review apropos the efficiency of short-term group therapy in lowering depression amid residents of a nursing home. You've now washed inquiry and compiled a list of the areas covered by your research:

  • Pharmacological treatment of depression

  • The elderly in nursing homes

  • Measurement tools for low

  • Utilization of psychotherapy amidst the elderly

  • Depression - causes, behavioral manifestations, and furnishings

  • Societal attitudes towards crumbling

  • Impacts of group therapy

  • Side furnishings of drugs utilized to treat depression

  • Psychological problems in the elderly

A possible outline for the literature review can be:

  • Depression in general

    • Causation theories

    • Behavioral manifestation

    • Impacts

  • Depression in the elderly, especially in nursing homes (problem and its scope)

  • Impacts of therapy on low

    • Long-term - disadvantages

    • Short-term

    • Group

The outline moves from general to specific. As you lot go on downwards the outline, you lot'll deal with the material in rising depth, just as the significance of the data to your project rises.

Concerns almost Sentence Level

Look at how the following literature review example apa impacts readability: sentence strength, focus, placement of citation, agile vs. passive voice, and transition.


"The relationship that exists between motivation and the determination to attain literacy has been examined by Smith (1975), Jones (1983), and Dark-brown (1988). Motivation entails diverse expectations (Snappe, 1986; Krkel, 1988). A big study done by Amundson (1981) examined the beliefs people entering literacy programs, particularly outcome expectations and cocky-efficacy regardless of obstacles. Paape (1979), and in a follow-upward project Johnson (1985), examined resistance to motivational efforts or the tendency to overlook information about an issue that's difficult to acknowledge. A literacy promotion program needs to overcome the inclination to minimize the problem and to assist people to believe."


"Enquiry suggests that various factors influence an adult' determination to obtain literacy. Individuals need to exist motivated to make such a decision (Smith, 1975; Jones, 1983; Brown, 1988). Motivation involves at least two types of expectations (Snappe, 1986: Krakel, 1988). Ane must believe that literacy will positively bear on one's life (outcome expectations) and besides one tin can succeed in the effort to acquire new skills regardless of obstacles (Amunon, 1981). Other research reveals that when the problem isn't piece of cake to admit, people tend to overlook information about, that is, to resist motivational efforts 9Paape, 1979; Johnson, 1985). All these findings suggest that a literacy promotion program needs to overcome the tendency to minimize the problem and to assist people to believe."

Comparison the to a higher place literature review example paragraphs ought to demonstrate how some rhetorical choices impact readability and clarity.

Some guidelines;

  • Use headings and topic sentences to inform readers what the discipline is and what point the material is contributing to the give-and-take.

  • Do non just point to the existence of literature on the topic; etch about methods or results in the studies you hash out.

  • Examination sentences for relevance to the main point.

  • Put citations where they don't distract from the line of idea you are presenting.

  • Utilize active verbs that are stiff and rich in content.

  • Make use of transition words.

Mode Tips

  • Your tone should be objective as you summarize the research. Don't allow your objectivity to turn your literature review to an annotated bibliography. Instead, point out as you proceed how studies relate to one some other (for example, Smith (1988) and Jones (1990) utilized various samples to study the same miracle).

  • Try to exist analytical. Composing a review is an exercise in comparative thinking. Your critique should be in your final discussion, where they will exist more efficient and significant to the reader.

  • Connect paragraphs to one another, and link studies inside paragraphs. Endeavor to brand your literature review attractive past coming up with the topic judgement of each paragraph in a way that it achieves two things: it hooks in a way to the previous paragraph and as well reveals what this new paragraph will be about, for instance; "In contrast to these studies, which have tried to mensurate the amount of stress a person is subjected to, various researchers are now concentrating on a person's perception of demanding life events."

These connections may demand to be fabricated within a paragraph and as well among a grouping of paragraphs, for case, "Jones (1989) and Smith (1991) were amid the offset persons to investigate the impacts of abuse towards children... Like Jones, Smith also utilized the State-Trait Inventory simply incorporated males in his sample" or "Lee's studies of learned vulnerability support this study'due south view of modification of behavior as situation-specific."

  • Select verbs that precisely describe what the research did; hypothesized, questioned, developed, executed, measured, tested, and modified have divergent meanings.

  • Employ direct quotes sparingly. They have up more space than sentences constructed to epitomize the original. Quotations my comprise concept and vocabulary not familiar to the reader.

  • Utilize verb tenses appropriately. Use the by tense to epitomize studies and procedures, for case, "At least a third of those sampled in one written report said that they would both refuse socially and dread violence from someone exhibiting behaviors associated with diverse mental illnesses." Utilise the nowadays perfect tense to suggest that something has happened more than than in one case in the past and may be continuing; for example, "In the terminal twenty years, researchers have often concentrated on the effects of posttraumatic stress disorder." Moreover, use the nowadays tense to define theory and instruments, (for instance,"Developmental undertakings are key to Piaget's theory"), to discuss and critique (for example,"The utilization of self-report has 2 chief drawbacks"), and to generalize (for example"These findings imply that adult learners prefer self-evaluation"). In add-on, utilise the agile and passive voice correctly. The active voice ("Jennifer repeated the test with three samples") is not as wordy every bit the passive vocalisation ("This test was repeated with three samples by Jennifer"). Nevertheless, it'southward good to apply the passive voice when the object is more than important than the subject (for example,"The players from the senior squad were shown the video"); when the field of study is unknown ("This phenomenon was first defined in line with 18 th century standards"); when it wouldn't be a good thought to place the subject ("The starting time set of data wasn't correctly coded"); and when putting the object before the subject more lucidly connects to a previous sentence or paragraph ("...screen techniques that increase job satisfaction. These techniques were also assessed..."). Overuse of the passive voice implies that inquiry is happening by itself and the reader volition exist confused almost who'due south doing what.

Don'ts of Writing a Literature Review

  • Citing supportive sources but - It is crucial that you also mention those studies that contradict your opinion. In other words, mention some dissenting studies and explicate why they deviate from your thinking.

  • Using not-scholarly manufactures.

  • Depending on direct quotations - Fifty-fifty though it'southward okay to include direct quotations, don't depend on them too much.

  • Composing a narrowly-focused literature review.


If yous want to know more than about how to write a literature review, the data in a higher place will greatly assistance you. Recollect, a literature review can exist termed as discursive prose, not a list summarizing several pieces of literature. Organize your review into segments that present themes or pinpoint trends, including pertinent theory. Your task isn't to list all published material; information technology's to synthesize and examine it in line with the guiding concept of your research question or thesis.

To run across how these tips are brought to life, become through an instance of literature review. Contact u.s.a. today for some literature review samples.


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