
Reviews on Coreg and Pressure on Right Side of Chest

Does Coreg (carvedilol) cause side effects?

Coreg (carvedilol) is a beta-adrenergic blocking amanuensis (beta-blocker) used to treat high blood force per unit area (hypertension), congestive heart failure, and angina (breast hurting from middle illness). Coreg blocks receptors of the adrenergic nervous organisation, the organization of fretfulness in which adrenalin (epinephrine) is active.

Nerves from the adrenergic system enter the heart and release an adrenergic chemical (norepinephrine) that attaches to receptors on the heart's muscle and stimulates the musculus to beat more chop-chop and forcefully. By blocking the receptors, Coreg reduces the eye'southward rate and forcefulness of contraction and thereby reduces the piece of work of the heart.

Coreg also blocks adrenergic receptors on arteries and causes the arteries to relax and the blood pressure to fall. The drop in blood pressure farther reduces the work of the heart since it is easier to pump blood against a lower pressure level.

Mutual side effects of Coreg include

  • dizziness,
  • fluid aggregating (edema),
  • decreased heart rate,
  • low blood pressure,
  • weight gain,
  • diarrhea,
  • postural hypotension (a rapid subtract in blood pressure level when going from the seated to the continuing position that causes lightheadedness and/or fainting), and
  • vision abnormalities.

Serious side effects of Coreg include

  • lightheadedness,
  • irregular centre rhythm,
  • common cold feeling or numbness in fingers or toes,
  • chest pain,
  • dry coughing,
  • wheezing,
  • chest tightness,
  • heart problems, and
  • increased blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia).

Drug interactions of Coreg include medications that lower blood sugar such as insulin or oral anti-diabetic medications, because Coreg tin mask early warning symptoms of low blood saccharide (hypoglycemia) such as tremors and increased eye charge per unit.

  • Patients with diabetes taking medications that lower blood sugar may need to monitor their blood sugar more often. Coreg taken with calcium channel blockers (CCBs) such every bit diltiazem or verapamil may trigger an irregular heart rhythm or an increment in claret pressure.
  • Reserpine, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, and clonidine, because they have similar mechanisms of activeness equally Coreg, may greatly accentuate the effects of Coreg and cause a steep refuse in blood pressure and/or heart rate.
  • Close monitoring of claret force per unit area and heart rate may exist needed.
  • Coreg may cause an increase in digoxin blood levels. Digoxin blood levels should be monitored if Coreg is started, adjusted, or discontinued. Rifampin can sharply decrease the Coreg blood level and in patients taking rifampin, the dose of Coreg may need to exist increased.
  • Coreg shares a common pathway for elimination by the liver with several other drugs such as quinidine, fluoxetine, paroxetine, or propafenone. Employ of these drugs may block the elimination of Coreg.
  • Coreg blood levels may be increased (along with the risk for Coreg'south side effects) if patients are taking any of these drugs.
  • Coreg may increase cyclosporin blood levels. The dose of cyclosporin may need to exist adjusted when the two drugs are used together.
  • Amiodarone may increase Coreg levels in the blood, increasing the furnishings and potential for toxicity of Coreg.

Prophylactic utilise of Coreg during pregnancy has not been established. No studies with Coreg are available in nursing mothers; withal, use of Coreg while breastfeeding is not recommended due to the risk of a wearisome center rate in the infant.

What are the important side effects of Coreg (carvedilol)?

The most common side effects of carvedilol are:

  • Dizziness
  • Edema (fluid accumulation)
  • Decreased heart rate
  • Low blood pressure level
  • Weight gain
  • increased claret glucose levels (hyperglycemia)
  • Diarrhea

Postural hypotension (a rapid decrease in blood pressure level when going from the seated to the standing position that causes lightheadedness and/or fainting). Taking carvedilol with food minimizes the risk of postural hypotension.

Other common side effects of carvedilol are an irregular heart rhythm and vision abnormalities.

Carvedilol should be used cautiously in patients who use diuretics or who are elderly or that have:

  • Cirrhosis
  • Asthma
  • Peripheral vascular affliction
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Prinzmetal's variant angina (angina at rest)
  • Kidney disease.

Coreg (carvedilol) side effects list for healthcare professionals

Clinical Studies Experience

Because clinical trials are conducted under widely varying weather, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a drug cannot be directly compared with rates in the clinical trials of another drug and may not reverberate the rates observed in practice.

  • Coreg has been evaluated for prophylactic in subjects with heart failure (mild, moderate, and severe), in subjects with left ventricular dysfunction post-obit myocardial infarction and in hypertensive subjects.
  • The observed adverse event profile was consistent with the pharmacology of the drug and the health status of the subjects in the clinical trials.
  • Adverse events reported for each of these patient populations are provided below.
  • Excluded are agin events considered too full general to exist informative, and those not reasonably associated with the use of the drug considering they were associated with the condition being treated or are very common in the treated population.
  • Rates of adverse events were mostly similar across demographic subsets (men and women, elderly and non-elderly, blacks and non-blacks).

Heart Failure

  • Coreg has been evaluated for condom in heart failure in more than than 4,500 subjects worldwide of whom more 2,100 participated in placebo-controlled clinical trials.
  • Approximately 60% of the total treated population in placebo-controlled clinical trials received Coreg for at to the lowest degree vi months and thirty% received Coreg for at to the lowest degree 12 months. In the COMET trial, ane,511 subjects with balmy-to-moderate heart failure were treated with Coreg for upwardly to v.9 years (hateful: four.8 years).
  • Both in U.S. clinical trials in balmy-to-moderate heart failure that compared Coreg in daily doses up to 100 mg (due north = 765) with placebo (north = 437), and in a multinational clinical trial in severe heart failure (COPERNICUS) that compared Coreg in daily doses up to l mg (north = 1,156) with placebo (n = 1,133), discontinuation rates for adverse experiences were similar in carvedilol and placebo subjects.
  • In placebo-controlled clinical trials, the only cause of discontinuation greater than one% and occurring more oft on carvedilol was dizziness (ane.3% on carvedilol, 0.half dozen% on placebo in the COPERNICUS trial).
  • Table one shows adverse events reported in subjects with mild-to-moderate heart failure enrolled in U.S. placebo-controlled clinical trials, and with severe eye failure enrolled in the COPERNICUS trial.
  • Shown are adverse events that occurred more frequently in drug-treated subjects than placebo-treated subjects with an incidence of greater than 3% in subjects treated with carvedilol regardless of causality.
  • Median trial medication exposure was 6.3 months for both carvedilol and placebo subjects in the trials of mild-to-moderate heart failure and ten.4 months in the trial of subjects with astringent heart failure.
  • The adverse event profile of Coreg observed in the long-term COMET trial was generally similar to that observed in the U.S. Middle Failure Trials.

Table 1. Adverse Events (%) Occurring More than Oftentimes with Coreg than with Placebo in Subjects with Mild-to-Moderate Centre Failure (HF) Enrolled in U.S. Heart Failure Trials or in Subjects with Severe Heart Failure in the COPERNICUS Trial (Incidence >3% in Subjects Treated with Carvedilol, Regardless of Causality)

Body Arrangement/ Agin Event Balmy-to-Moderate HF Severe HF
(n = 765)
(n = 437)
(due north = 1,156)
(northward = ane,133)
Body as a Whole
  Asthenia 7 seven 11 ix
  Fatigue 24 22 - -
  Digoxin level increased 5 4 2 one
  Edema generalized v 3 6 5
  Edema dependent iv 2 - -
  Bradycardia 9 1 10 three
  Hypotension 9 3 fourteen eight
  Syncope iii 3 viii 5
  Angina pectoris 2 3 6 iv
Primal Nervous System
  Dizziness 32 19 24 17
  Headache 8 7 5 3
  Diarrhea 12 vi v 3
  Nausea nine 5 4 three
  Airsickness 6 four i 2
  Hyperglycemia 12 8 5 3
  Weight increment ten vii 12 11
  BUN increased 6 5 - -
  NPN increased vi 5 - -
  Hypercholesterolemia 4 3 1 1
  Edema peripheral 2 i 7 half dozen
  Arthralgia half-dozen 5 1 i
  Cough increased viii 9 5 iv
  Rales 4 4 4 2
  Vision abnormal five ii - -

Cardiac failure and dyspnea were also reported in these trials, but the rates were equal or greater in subjects who received placebo.

The following adverse events were reported with a frequency of greater than 1% only less than or equal to 3% and more frequently with Coreg in either the U.S. placebo-controlled trials in subjects with mild-to-moderate middle failure or in subjects with severe heart failure in the COPERNICUS trial.

Incidence Greater Than 1% To Less Than Or Equal To iii%
  • Body as a Whole: Allergy, malaise, hypovolemia, fever, leg edema.
  • Cardiovascular: Fluid overload, postural hypotension, aggravated angina pectoris, AV block, palpitation, hypertension.
  • Central and Peripheral Nervous System: Hypesthesia, vertigo, paresthesia.
  • Gastrointestinal: Melena, periodontitis.
  • Liver and Biliary Arrangement: SGPT increased, SGOT increased.
  • Metabolic and Nutritional: Hyperuricemia, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, increased alkaline phosphatase, glycosuria, hypervolemia, diabetes mellitus, GGT increased, weight loss, hyperkalemia, creatinine increased.
  • Musculoskeletal: Muscle cramps.
  • Platelet, Bleeding, and Clotting: Prothrombin decreased, purpura, thrombocytopenia.
  • Psychiatric: Somnolence.
  • Reproductive, male: Impotence.
  • Special Senses: Blurred vision.
  • Urinary Arrangement: Renal insufficiency, albuminuria, hematuria.

Left Ventricular Dysfunction Following Myocardial Infarction

  • Coreg has been evaluated for prophylactic in survivors of an acute myocardial infarction with left ventricular dysfunction in the CAPRICORN trial which involved 969 subjects who received Coreg and 980 who received placebo.
  • Approximately 75% of the subjects received Coreg for at least 6 months and 53% received Coreg for at least 12 months.
  • Subjects were treated for an boilerplate of 12.9 months and 12.8 months with Coreg and placebo, respectively.
  • The most common adverse events reported with Coreg in the CAPRICORN trial were consequent with the contour of the drug in the U.South. heart failure trials and the COPERNICUS trial.
  • The just additional adverse events reported in CAPRICORN in greater than iii% of the subjects and more usually on carvedilol were dyspnea, anemia, and lung edema.
  • The post-obit agin events were reported with a frequency of greater than 1% merely less than or equal to 3% and more than frequently with Coreg:
    •  flu syndrome,
    • cerebrovascular blow,
    •  peripheral vascular disorder,
    • hypotonia,
    • depression,
    • gastrointestinal pain,
    • arthritis, and
    • gout.
  • The overall rates of discontinuations due to adverse events were similar in both groups of subjects.
  • In this database, the but cause of discontinuation greater than one% and occurring more oftentimes on carvedilol was hypotension (1.5% on carvedilol, 0.2% on placebo).


  • Coreg has been evaluated for safety in hypertension in more than than 2,193 subjects in U.Southward. clinical trials and in ii,976 subjects in international clinical trials.
  • Approximately 36% of the total treated population received Coreg for at least 6 months.
  • Most agin events reported during therapy with Coreg were of mild to moderate severity.
  • In U.S. controlled clinical trials directly comparison Coreg in doses upwardly to 50 mg (n = 1,142) with placebo (n = 462), iv.9% of subjects receiving Coreg discontinued for adverse events versus v.2% of placebo subjects.
  • Although in that location was no overall difference in discontinuation rates, discontinuations were more common in the carvedilol group for postural hypotension (1% versus 0).
  • The overall incidence of adverse events in U.Due south. placebo-controlled trials increased with increasing dose of Coreg.
  • For individual adverse events this could only exist distinguished for dizziness, which increased in frequency from two% to 5% as full daily dose increased from half-dozen.25 mg to 50 mg.
  • Tabular array two shows agin events in U.Due south. placebo-controlled clinical trials for hypertension that occurred with an incidence of greater than or equal to ane% regardless of causality and that were more than frequent in drug-treated subjects than placebo-treated subjects.

Table 2. Adverse Events (%) Occurring in U.South. Placebo-Controlled Hypertension Trials (Incidence ≥1%, Regardless of Causality)a

Body Organisation/ Agin Outcome Coreg
(n = 1,142)
(n = 462)
  Bradycardia 2 -
  Postural hypotension 2 -
  Peripheral edema i -
Fundamental Nervous Arrangement
  Dizziness six 5
  Insomnia ii 1
  Diarrhea ii 1
  Thrombocytopenia 1 -
  Hypertriglyceridemia 1 -
a Shown are events with charge per unit >1% rounded to nearest integer.

Dyspnea and fatigue were besides reported in these trials, simply the rates were equal or greater in subjects who received placebo.

The post-obit adverse events not described above were reported as possibly or probably related to Coreg in worldwide open or controlled trials with Coreg in subjects with hypertension or heart failure.

Incidence Greater Than To Less Than Or Equal To i%
  • Cardiovascular: Peripheral ischemia, tachycardia.
  • Key and Peripheral Nervous Systechiliad: Hypokinesia.
  • Gastrointestinal: Bilirubinemia, increased hepatic enzymes (0.ii% of hypertension patients and 0.4% of heart failure patients were discontinued from therapy because of increases in hepatic enzymes) [meet Postmarketing Feel].
  • Psychiatric: Nervousness, sleep disorder, aggravated depression, impaired concentration, aberrant thinking, paroniria, emotional lability.
  • Respiratory Organisation: Asthma [see CONTRAINDICATIONS].
  • Reproductive, male person: Decreased libido.
  • Skin and Appendages: Pruritus, rash erythematous, rash maculopapular, rash psoriaform, photosensitivity reaction.
  • Special Senses: Tinnitus.
  • Urinary System: Micturition frequency increased.
  • Autonomic Nervous System: Dry out mouth, sweating increased.
  • Metabolic and Nutritional: Hypokalemia, hypertriglyceridemia.
  • Hematologic: Anemia, leukopenia.

The following events were reported in less than or equal to 0.1% of subjects and are potentially of import:

  • consummate AV block,
  • bundle co-operative cake,
  • myocardial ischemia,
  • cerebrovascular disorder,
  • convulsions,
  • migraine,
  • neuralgia,
  • paresis,
  • anaphylactoid reaction,
  • alopecia,
  • exfoliative dermatitis,
  • amnesia,
  • GI hemorrhage,
  • bronchospasm,
  • pulmonary edema,
  • decreased hearing,
  • respiratory alkalosis,
  • increased BUN,
  • decreased HDL,
  •  pancytopenia, and
  • atypical lymphocytes.
Laboratory Abnormalities
  • Reversible elevations in serum transaminases (ALT or AST) have been observed during treatment with Coreg. Rates of transaminase elevations (2 to 3 times the upper limit of normal) observed during controlled clinical trials have mostly been like between subjects treated with Coreg and those treated with placebo.
  • However, transaminase elevations, confirmed past rechallenge, take been observed with Coreg. In a long-term, placebo-controlled trial in severe heart failure, subjects treated with Coreg had lower values for hepatic transaminases than subjects treated with placebo, possibly because improvements in cardiac function induced by Coreg led to less hepatic congestion and/or improved hepatic claret flow.
  • Coreg has not been associated with clinically significant changes in serum potassium, total triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, uric acid, blood urea nitrogen, or creatinine.
  • No clinically relevant changes were noted in fasting serum glucose in hypertensive patients; fasting serum glucose was not evaluated in the eye failure clinical trials.

Postmarketing Experience

The post-obit adverse reactions take been identified during post-approval employ of Coreg. Considering these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure.

Blood And Lymphatic System Disorders
  • Aplastic anemia.
Immune System Disorders
  • Hypersensitivity (east.g., anaphylactic reactions, angioedema, urticaria).
Renal And Urinary Disorders
  • Urinary incontinence.
Respiratory, Thoracic, And Mediastinal Disorders
  • Interstitial pneumonitis.
Skin And Subcutaneous Tissue Disorders
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, erythema multiforme.

What drugs interact with Coreg (carvedilol)?

CYP2D6 Inhibitors And Poor Metabolizers

  • Interactions of carvedilol with potent inhibitors of CYP2D6 isoenzyme (such as quinidine, fluoxetine, paroxetine, and propafenone) have not been studied, merely these drugs would be expected to increment blood levels of the R(+) enantiomer of carvedilol.
  • Retrospective assay of side effects in clinical trials showed that poor 2D6 metabolizers had a college charge per unit of dizziness during upwardly-titration, presumably resulting from vasodilating effects of the higher concentrations of the α-blocking R(+) enantiomer.

Hypotensive Agents

  • Patients taking a β-blocker and a drug that tin deplete catecholamines ( thousand., reserpine and monoamine oxidase inhibitors) should exist observed closely for signs of hypotension and/or severe bradycardia.
  • Concomitant administration of clonidine with a β-blocker may cause hypotension and bradycardia.
  • When concomitant handling with a β-blocker and clonidine is to exist terminated, the β-blocker should be discontinued offset. Clonidine therapy can then be discontinued several days afterwards by gradually decreasing the dosage.


  • Modest increases in mean trough cyclosporine concentrations were observed post-obit initiation of carvedilol handling in 21 renal transplant subjects suffering from chronic vascular rejection.
  • In nigh xxx% of subjects, the dose of cyclosporine had to be reduced in society to maintain cyclosporine concentrations within the therapeutic range, while in the remainder no adjustment was needed.
  • On the boilerplate for the grouping, the dose of cyclosporine was reduced about 20% in these subjects.
  • Due to wide interindividual variability in the dose adjustment required, it is recommended that cyclosporine concentrations be monitored closely later initiation of carvedilol therapy and that the dose of cyclosporine be adjusted equally appropriate.

Digitalis Glycosides

  • Both digitalis glycosides and β-blockers deadening atrioventricular conduction and decrease heart charge per unit.
  • Concomitant utilize can increase the chance of bradycardia. Digoxin concentrations are increased past nigh 15% when digoxin and carvedilol are administered concomitantly. Therefore, increased monitoring of digoxin is recommended when initiating, adjusting, or discontinuing Coreg.

Inducers/Inhibitors Of Hepatic Metabolism

  • Rifampin reduced plasma concentrations of carvedilol past about 70%. Cimetidine increased AUC by about 30% merely acquired no modify in Cmax.


  • Amiodarone and its metabolite desethyl amiodarone, inhibitors of CYP2C9, and P-glycoprotein increased concentrations of the South(-)-enantiomer of carvedilol by at least ii fold.
  • The concomitant administration of amiodarone or other CYP2C9 inhibitors such equally fluconazole with Coreg may enhance the β-blocking activity, resulting in further slowing of the eye rate or cardiac conduction.
  • Patients should exist observed for signs of bradycardia or heart block, particularly when 1 agent is added to pre-existing handling with the other.

Calcium Channel Blockers

  • Conduction disturbance (rarely with hemodynamic compromise) has been observed when Coreg is coadministered with diltiazem.
  • As with other β-blockers, if Coreg is administered with calcium channel blockers of the verapamil or diltiazem type, it is recommended that ECG and claret pressure be monitored.

Insulin Or Oral Hypoglycemics

  • β-blockers may enhance the blood-sugar-reducing effect of insulin and oral hypoglycemics. Therefore, in patients taking insulin or oral hypoglycemics, regular monitoring of blood glucose is recommended.


  • If treatment with Coreg is to be continued perioperatively, item care should be taken when coldhearted agents that depress myocardial function, such every bit ether, cyclopropane, and trichloroethylene, are used.


Coreg (carvedilol) is a beta-adrenergic blocking agent (beta-blocker) used to treat loftier blood pressure (hypertension), congestive heart failure, and angina (chest pain from middle disease). Common side effects of Coreg include dizziness, fluid accumulation (edema), decreased heart charge per unit, low blood force per unit area, weight gain, diarrhea, postural hypotension (a rapid decrease in claret pressure when going from the seated to the standing position that causes lightheadedness and/or fainting), and vision abnormalities. Safe apply of Coreg during pregnancy has not been established. No studies with Coreg are bachelor in nursing mothers; nonetheless, use of Coreg while breastfeeding is non recommended due to the risk of a wearisome heart rate in the infant.

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Medically Reviewed on ii/2/2021


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Professional side effects and drug interactions sections courtesy of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


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